Services Offered


General Preventive Medicine
Friendly telephone advice for regular clients at no charge
Active follow-up care for medical and surgical referrals
Preventive medicine program including annual physicals
Cooperation with farriers for ongiong treatments
Pre-purchase and insurance evaluations
Never-ending client education

Preventive Maintenance Program
Coggins tests (Equine Infectious Anemia)
Health Certificates
Nutritional recommendations
Fitness program planning
Geriatric care
Dental exams
2nd opinions

Complete lameness exam
Advice on lay-up and complete rehabilitation programs

Radiography (x-ray)
Lameness diagnosis
Pre-Purchase examinations
Pre and Post surgery
Portable x-ray machine
                    (as seen here)

Ultrasound (u/s)
Reproductive procedures (see Reproduction below)
Orthopedic / tendon evaluation
Ruptured bladder
Patent urachus
Abdominal discomfort
Masses (Hematomas)

Reproduction and Fertility
Ultrasound for pregnancy determination and twins
Uterine culture/cytology and biopsy
Natural breeding or artificial insemination with cooled fresh or frozen semen 
Breeding advice and guidance
Broodmare reproductive services

Foal Services
Angular limb deformity analysis and treatment
Pre- and Neo-natal foal services
Blood analysis for proper IgG levels

Upper respiratory evaluation
Bleeding (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage)
Soft palate deformities (Displacement)
Epiglottic entrapment and cysts
Guttural pouch examination
Laryngeal paralysis (ROARER)

Minor Surgery

Castration        Mass removal
Laceration repair Septic joint lavages